Section: New Results

Model Driven and Aspect Oriented Design

Requirements Engineering

Participants : Olivier Barais, Benoit Baudry, Benoit Combemale, Maha Driss, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Emmanuelle Rouillé, Nicolas Sannier, Didier Vojtisek.

Model-driven engineering can have a huge impact on the early design and analysis of complex systems. We have investigated modeling for requirements engineering in three areas:

  • We use executable metamodeling techniques developed in the team to capture formal relationships between regulatory requirements and accepted practices in systems engineering [47] , [42] .

  • We propose an approach for facilitating Web service selection according to user requirements. These requirements specify the needed functionality and expected QoS, as well as the composability between each pair of services. The originality of our approach is embodied in the use of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and its extension Relational Concept Analysis (RCA) [33] [25] .

  • We have analyzed a real industrial software process to illustrate the need for bridging the gap between software processes and software development tools to automate the development tools configuration, deployment, integration and adaptation [46] .

Dynamically adaptive interactive systems

Participants : Arnaud Blouin, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Grégory Nain.

Combining Aspect-Oriented Modeling with Property-Based Reasoning to Improve User Interface Adaptation: in this work we combined aspect-oriented modeling with an interactive system architecture to support dynamic adaptation of interactions and user interfaces [28] .

Dynamically adaptive component-based systems

Participants : François Fouquet, Olivier Barais, Viet-Hoa Nguyen, Noël Plouzeau.

Continuous Design to Achieve Intelligent Reflection in Distributed Systems: we defined an intelligent reflection model to support fast adaptation of distributed systems by architecture modification without stopping the system. This adaptation mechanism is well suited to rapidly changing needs (continuous design of eternal systems) or fast paced modifications of the context of the running system (for instance for Internet of Things distributed systems) [34] .

Architecture for Services-based applications

Participants : Olivier Barais, Johann Bourcier, Erwan Daubert, Jean-Marc Jézéquel.

The architecture of service-based applications can have a huge impact on their dynamic adaptability. We have investigated various framework for architecting service-based applications:

  • Designing SAFDIS: a self adaptive framework for distributed applications based on services. SAFDIS includes facilities to support the coordination of distributed reconfigurations [24] . SAFDIS also takes benefit of the Infrastructure As A Service to dynamically reconfigure Software As A Service [44] .

  • Analyzing and improving consistency between functional and business view of telecom services architecture. This work is based on the definition of a strategic alignment of the target functional view with the target business view. Alignment is validated with a real case study implemented and deployed at Orange–France Telecom on their messaging service [22] .

  • Designing AutoHome : a service oriented framework to simplify the development and runtime adaptive support of autonomic pervasive applications. This includes the amalgamation of the two computing areas of Autonomics and Service Orientation, to produce a Component-based platform providing facilities. This infrastructure uniquely blends the advantages of distributed autonomic control with global conflict management in a management hierarchy [17] .